Health & HIV Prevention

Epidemic Control Maintaining Targets

Since October 1, 2022, CHeRA has been implementing HIV prevention and treatment services using peer-led models. These efforts are driven by peer educators, navigators, and outreach workers at both the community and district levels. CHeRA plays a key role in mobilizing and educating communities, while also supporting district health offices in providing mobile outreach services in safe spaces where male sex workers can gather with confidence. These services are provided across six districts.

CHeRA’s strategy is based on the HIV cascade model—reach, test, treat, and achieve viral load suppression—to prevent HIV and improve the quality of life for key populations living with HIV (KPLHIV). In FY2023, CHeRA’s activities focus on two key objectives of the EPiC project:

  • Objective 2: Attain and maintain control of the HIV epidemic among key populations.
  • Objective 3: Enhance program management, health information systems, human resources for health, and financing to sustain HIV epidemic control.

Funder/Director: PEPFAR/USAID/FHI360

Implementation Period: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2024